Enemy's Strategy Exposed

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Don't be caught off-guard by Satan's tactics another day. As believers, we are in a battle for our lives.  Many believers are trapped by hopelessness, stress, anger, and other issues.  They don't understand how Satan and is kingdom strategize to keep them in bondage.  

Every military on earth understand the importance of studying their enemies' strategy so they can formulate an effective plan to win the battle.  The Bible exhorts us to not be ignorant of Satan's tactics and shines a light on how he strategized to defeat believers.  

In The Enemy's Strategy Exposed,  Dr. Henry Wright breaks down how Satan's kingdom is organized to keep mankind from being who God created them to be.  Understanding his kingdom will enable you to thwart his tactics to steal your joy, peace, relationships and blessings from the Father.  Don't be trapped by Satan's kingdom another day!