In My Father's House by Dr. Henry W. Wright

Regular price $ 62.99

This teaching brings an essential message to the entire body of Christ.

Whether you are single, married, or widowed, you are important and created by Him for His pleasure!

Dr. Wright shares valuable insights establishing our identity as a son or daughter of God as well as being prepared for Christ’s return and the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.  He will show you practical application answering questions such as: "What if I want to be married?", "What if I don't want to be married?", "What is God's purpose for me?", "What do I do with my sexuality?", and "How can I be an overcomer?"

Understanding God’s answers for all of these questions will strengthen your trust in Him as your Father. You will gain confidence in who you were made to be and learn how to be covered by your Father in Heaven.  Discover how to see yourself always to be  “In Your Father’s House”!

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