Pathways of Temptation by Dr. Henry W. Wright

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Pathways of Temptation


By Dr. Henry Wright

James 1:13 says, “Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: For God cannot be tempted with evil...”


There is much confusion in the Christian church about what temptation is and what to do with it. Many people believe that if they have the thought, they are already guilty. Others believe that temptations are their own thoughts.


But that’s not what the Bible says…


Temptation is from Satan and his kingdom. You may not realize that temptation doesn’t only come through thoughts but through feelings and emotions as well. It comes complete with pictures in your mind that seem so real – you think it is you!


The Bible says that we need to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves (Matthew 10:16).


We need to understand our enemy’s tactics in order to combat him effectively.


How then do we recognize when a thought, feeling, or emotion is temptation and when it is from God?


Do you know the source of your thoughts?


The enemy wants to use your thoughts to bring you into an agreement with his plan for your life. That includes disease, broken relationships, isolation, and even death and destruction.


But Christ came that you could have life and have it more abundantly!


Which thoughts are you going to agree with today?